When it is time to decommission your old IT assets in NZ or Australia, Data Erasure will take the pain away from the back-end support of the project and make sure nothing gets overlooked. From the collection of the retired assets to securely erasing data and disposing of equipment in an environmentally safe manner, we will be able to organize the entire process so that you can focus on the refresh of new equipment and not need to worry about the retired equipment.
Do not have an up-to-date Asset list? No problem! If you book a collection with Data Erasure, we can create the list for you. If you have sent items not yet ready to go to decommissioning, we can return them at no cost
Data Erasure can make sure your business’s data has been securely removed. Using NZ & AUS Government-approved Blancco software. You can be assured your data has been handled in a responsible and secure fashion. Data Erasure gives your company an auditable trail so you can meet your data responsibilities. Reach out if you want to know more sales@dataerasurenz.co.nz
At Data Erasure NZ, we prioritize value recovery and asset disposition through our innovative 'Reuse First' strategy. By assessing the worth of retired assets, we provide competitive buy-back quotes, enabling you to seamlessly integrate this service into your solution offering and drive customer innovation.
Australasian Agencies Now Have Additional Protection Against Unauthorised Data Access
Government data and asset managers in Australia and New Zealand can now confidently use Blancco Drive Eraser (BDE) to sanitise end-of-life data from loose hard disk drives and solid-state drives, as well as those in PCs, laptops and servers.
In June of 2020, the Australasian Certification Authority (ACA) awarded BDE 6.9.1 Common Criteria (CC) certification via its Australasian Information Security Evaluation Program (AISEP). This assures government users that Blancco Drive Eraser has met evaluation criteria recognised by all members of the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA), including Australia and New Zealand.
This is good news for agencies that adhere to data sanitisation requirements within:
the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM)
the Australian Privacy Principles guidelines (APP) 11.2
the New Zealand Information Security Manual (NZISM)
the New Zealand Privacy Act (1993)
other mandates regarding data erasure, such as the GDPR’s data minimisation and “right to be forgotten” articles.
The Common Criteria certificate is valid for five years from the award date unless it is renewed.
Common Criteria Certification and the EPL
In the past, the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) posted CC-certified products on its Evaluated Products List (EPL). Recently, however, the ACSC decided to list AISEP’s Common Criteria-certified products only on the Common Criteria Portal’s Certified Products List (CPL). This decision provides a ‘single point of truth’ for ACSC CC-certified products and affirms government use of CPL products.
Link to the info above
Once received, all serialised assets except those scheduled for destruction are tested to determine their remaining operational life and value. Our technicians evaluate each item individually and a value is determined based on condition, specification, and age. You will receive a comprehensive report. When a unit still has value, we will repurpose the asset for you and recover value. Any items that can not be repurposed will be recycled. Data Erasure NZ wants to stop as much old ICT products for going to landfill.